Author: lensofpassion

Poetry Corner

~The Creek~ The creek ripples under a melancholy sun,Boughs shift their formsto shake loose the morning’s dustand intertwine the feathers…

Riccardo T. on performance, Pilates, and passion

Mark T Cox
A sleepy, snowy February afternoon is brightened by the sound of Riccardo’s voice. Phone on loudspeaker, coffee in hand, I’ve been looking forward to this chat all week.For over an hour, we talk about life, dance, art and passion. We talk about chasing dreams, adapting to realities, and focusing on what makes us feel satisfied and fulfilled. Riccardo T. is a performance artist, life model, dancer, and soon to be the next superstar Pilates instructor of the world!

Arik Marmorstein: Making the job market autism-friendly

Aqsa Syeda
Arik Marmorstein – the name behind Spectroomz. He is a Law graduate by education, an entrepreneur at heart and a father on a mission. Marmorstein discerned his entrepreneurial spirit back in 2011 when he founded ‘Mimoona’, an Israel-based crowdfunding platform and propitiously ran it till 2019. Soon after that, in the beginning of 2020, he was chosen (by life, in his own words) to begin his odyssey on Spectroomz.

Rudy Hertanto’s #1 Mission #FromShoretoShorts

Bali, the enchanting Island of Gods and the Goddesses, has one of the strongest connection signals on earth. This is where many Elizabeth Gilberts find their Felipes, Sumatran rescue elephants reunite with loved ones, and Rudy Hertanto, answers his calling from the ocean.

Join Lens of Passion’s Social Community

The internet’s revolutionary power is the communication it empowers, but its current state of bickering and confirmation bias is antithetical to that. To avoid the conflicts of interest that cause other social products to make us less happy, productive and informed, SELECT was conceived with our incentives aligned – the best way to generate shared value is to make first and foremost value creation for users and their communities. To that end, we aim to drive a new humane era in Consumer Social that is about depth and intimacy, not social surface area (likes, followers, etc.).

Tattoo Artist, Luke Satoru shares evolution of a passion in the art-time continuum

On this platform, we try to examine the word passion and add fuel to our audience’s endeavor by showcasing people who have a distinct idea what it is for them. What does passion mean to you?
Something that challenges you. It’s not meant to be easy. You persevere, you engage. It has a burning spirit. Once passivity kicks in, it does not work.
What color do you see when you hear passion?
It would be black. It’s the absorption or reflection of everything. Like a black hole…it consumes.