The 5-Century Story Behind Victoria Amores Handmade Chocolates
Cacáhuatl Pods: Bitter Water, Ancient GiftsTrees to Treats. Deep into the tropical forests of Mesoamerica the ancient Olmec civilization (c….
Cacáhuatl Pods: Bitter Water, Ancient GiftsTrees to Treats. Deep into the tropical forests of Mesoamerica the ancient Olmec civilization (c….
Bali, the enchanting Island of Gods and the Goddesses, has one of the strongest connection signals on earth. This is where many Elizabeth Gilberts find their Felipes, Sumatran rescue elephants reunite with loved ones, and Rudy Hertanto, answers his calling from the ocean.
The internet’s revolutionary power is the communication it empowers, but its current state of bickering and confirmation bias is antithetical to that. To avoid the conflicts of interest that cause other social products to make us less happy, productive and informed, SELECT was conceived with our incentives aligned – the best way to generate shared value is to make first and foremost value creation for users and their communities. To that end, we aim to drive a new humane era in Consumer Social that is about depth and intimacy, not social surface area (likes, followers, etc.).