Category: Issue 5

Gazi Sadiku Walks and Talks about Albania: Local Travel, Food, Communism and Life Going Forward

Tirana (Tiranë in Shqip), a word so beautiful you imagine naming your future daughter that. It is the name of the capital city of Albania, or Shqipëria, meaning “land of eagles”. This country of three million population stands in the Balkans, bordering Greece to the south, North Macedonia and Kosovo to the east, and Montenegro to the north. Albania gazes out to the Adriatic sea, part of the Ionian sea and the back of the Italian heel. The nation broke free from then Ottoman Empire in 1912, but to fall into the fate of multiple regional power struggles and the two world wars. Ruled by two dictators between 1944 to 1991, Albanians had no contact with the rest of the world until late 1992, when the Parliament was restored. This also marked

Poetry Corner

~The Creek~ The creek ripples under a melancholy sun,Boughs shift their formsto shake loose the morning’s dustand intertwine the feathers…