When you can’t go outside, go inside.

Your private universe, a plot of land you were given at birth. The garden of curiosity, play, longing, love. When you close your eyes to visit this place, how do you feel? What do you see?

The one nutrient we research, Passion, is gradually displaying tangible qualities, as we continue to enquire, listen and document. We hope that the past six months of dialogues from near and far corners of the world brought healthy properties to your landscape.

Lens of Passion is broadening scope and welcoming ideas as summer approaches where we are. Please write us, if there is something we may consider; connect us, if you know of a story we should honor; join us, if being part of this digital village feels nourishing to you.

All of the above is going to be help us lay the groundwork for many unique, luscious gardens, individually yet together.  

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Photo by Stefany Andrade
Featured Image by Vince Fleming