Greetings Lens of Passion readers! 

I’m Daniel, the founder of SELECT – a community platform with digital wellness & deep conversation at its core. It’s a great honor to serve you & the Lens of Passion community.

The internet’s revolutionary power is the communication it empowers, but its current state of bickering and confirmation bias is antithetical to that. To avoid the conflicts of interest that cause other social products to make us less happy, productive and informed, SELECT was conceived with our incentives aligned – the best way to generate shared value is to make first and foremost value creation for users and their communities. To that end, we aim to drive a new humane era in Consumer Social that is about depth and intimacy, not social surface area (likes, followers, etc.).

With doing well by doing good in mind, discovering Lens of Passion was an affirming revelation. A digital oasis in the wild web, I found myself engrossed and inspired with every subsequent article. A virtuous passion project itself that celebrates diversity, expands our perspectives and elevates our consciousness, Lens of Passion is exactly the kind of platform we love to support. As they endeavor to with online content and we do with online communication, together we amplify the intersection of our values – a thoughtful community that’s nutritious for your mind.

I hope you’ll join us in the official Lens of Passion community on SELECT to share belonging, compassion, growth and celebrate the impassioned individuals whose pursuits add fuel to our own journeys.  

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact me at or @dj on SELECT

See you there! 🙂  


or scan the invitation code: