What is Lens of Passion (LoP)?

This is a platform serving as a lens to reflect passionate, truthful, invigorating and at times inconvenient stories from around the world that expand our perspectives and add fuel to our own journeys. This place is intended to be respectful, safe and free for thought, perhaps a capsule we step into that insulates us from noise, a digital village where we can slow down, relax and see the gift of diversity. There are many questions in the world, the answers might also be out there among us. 

The LoP team interviews individuals with distinct passion as our paths cross and we write their stories to the best of our understanding. Through stories, we may create belonging, compassion and growth. All the guests we interview are open to connect with you and see what more beautiful things and transformation can be created in our togetherness. You will find their contact details at the end of their articles. 

Another wish of ours is to elevate the consciousness on the word “passion”. LoP distills some essential elements that lie within – enthusiasm, joy, suffering, perhaps more.  Our digital village is starting to take shape in the physical form of this website, essentially a vessel that contains beautiful minds of the world and exchange of reflections between us. We are here to document and celebrate human stories, and hope to bring warmth to yours. 

If you have a story to tell that has yet to be written, we welcome you to get in touch with us. If we are so lucky to have you writers, journalists, thinkers, doers who want to collaborate with us, we will be happy to hear from you at acupofthoughtfulness@gmail.com.

Welcome to the Lens of Passion. We hope you will find this platform nutritious for your mind, and the beautiful garden we all have at heart.



Expose. Connect. Transform.
[ˈpʰæʃən] A Willingness to Suffer for What You Love
October 15th, 2020
